01 June 2005

homebrew project idea....

so i've been tossing around the idea of developing an automated irrigation system...of course i mean a computer monitored and automated irrigation system...eventually i would like to integrate wireless access maybe even a motion sensor that triggers a "pop-up" to scare off unwanted vistors...i don't know...i'm still brainstorming ideas...

one of my first questions is to figure out what all needs to go into the hardware end of this project...i mean do i go out to radio shack and buy a square of copper and cut it to small pieces connect them to a bread board and design the circuitry myself or do i try and find commodity hardware and hack it together...i have a feeling i will go the "hack it together route"...as i am not in the mood to work in an ee masters degree at the moment....

one suggestion a buddy of mine came up with was to use X10 hardware as it is very general in nature...good place to start, but as he said...those damn pop-up ads are annoying...so i start here with X10 research and hopefully will find something more usable...

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