30 May 2005


it's the last day of my "recovery" and dylan has not stopped chattering for over a year...i don't know if it's all four-year-olds or just him (i suspect the former), but from the minute his eyes open in the morning until they close again when his head hits the pillow he is constantly chattering...it's hilarious...sometimes annoying...but mostly it's hilarious

i love listening to him talk to his mom...i love watching him play and talk to his toys...could be a raptor carrying the blue ranger into the battle to defeat mezagod or a triceratops charging a giant lizard...it's brings back memories of star wars action figures and hot wheels crash derbys when i was a kid...

...and that's just dylan...rylie is only 14 months old...just starting to walk...and is already trying to get into everything...she also chatters...not quite as incesantly as dylan....she gets so excited when she does something new...she has the most beautiful smile...ok...that's enough of the gushing...

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