01 November 2005

kayaking san marcos

Two weeks ago Jim and I took Dyaln and Riley kayaking down the San Marcos River. What a blast! Of course it took us a while to put in since this was our first trip to the San Marcos, but it was completely worth it. I'm sure it was quite the comedy to see Jim and I drying around San Marcos with our kayaks strapped to our roofs turning down one street only to turn back around and go down another. Eventually we did find a take out spot at the San Marcos River Park. From our put in at Old City Park this was a very fast float down the river. Next time we will definitely find a better take out spot.

Once we dropped off our car at the take out spot we loaded our kayak on Jim's car and the four of us headed back to the put in. The boys were coming out of their skin running around the park, getting too close to the water out of our site...basically being four-year-old boys. So on go the PFDs while we unload the boats.

After we get our kayaks unloaded and gear stoed we're off. The river was amazing. The water was so clear you could see straight to the bottom. Straight off a blue heron flew across the water right in front of us. We saw perch and turtles galore. About 10 minutes down stream we came to a dam. One of those low water dams, but this one had a section cut out for kayakers and canoers to go through. Dylan and I took the lead. Man was it cool! Going over you can't see how far down it is, but you know it's do-able. So over we go...just commit and drop in! The bow hesitates above the falls for a second and then down it drops and water rushes in flooding the boat. What a rush! Dylan and I were ready to shoot it again!

Next came Jim and Riley. Little bit more hesitation in their boat. Jim actually listens to Riley and thinks before they drop in. Me, I just go...no hesitation...one pass to get a feel and whoosh!!! over the falls we go.

We're already making plans for the next river trip!

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