Back in September of 2010 I scored a new gig with a French company in their global services group. The project I'm on is the first one I will have been a part of that is in the telecom sector...which is one of the more exciting and enticing points for me.
Some time in the next couple of weeks I'll find out when I'm going to be sent to France to start with the hands on part of the project. Man I don't know what I'm more excited about...the project or working in France. All I know is I'm gonna be burnin up the the film in my mini diana.
You are not allowed back into the country without lomo photos of France.
already burned 15 frames since i got here!!
Forgot to mention taking a metro to Saint Denis cathedral. Worth it even if you've climbed the bell tower in Notre Dame. The tombs of the kings and queens of France are hidden underneath Saint Denis, and open to wander though the tunnels, where you can even peek into a dark room where original pagan tombs are exposed. Just sayin'.
May the Tao be with you. (And a jug of absinthe)
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