29 June 2006

bombin' the gods

For Father's Day this year Kim got me a Lush Longboard - Bahari and I decided to take it with me to Colorado Springs while I was there for training. I was going back and forth over whether I should take it or not and decided at the last minute to go ahead and bring it along. I am SOOOO glad I did!!!

This is the first downhill I shot. It was near my hotel on a low trafficked road. It was a perfect warmup for what the runs I took on Wednesday at the Garden of the Gods. This road was semi-rough and helped keep my speed down so I could work on carving and sliding. About 3/4's of the way down I was able to shoot into the shopping center and even out and cruise until I got the cahones up to bomb the entire hill. That was one hell of a run! But nothing compared to what was to come on Wednesday!!!

I bailed on class a little early on Wednesday and headed over to the mall near my hotel in the hopes of running across a skate shop or something similar. Initially, I was thinking I'd just run the hills by the hotel a few more times and go see a movie or something. Well, when I wandered into skate/snowboard shop in the mall and started asking some of the staff where some good places to skate were they suggested I head over to the Garden of the Gods. It was the best suggestion ever!!!

So now after some incredible downhill runs I am ready to tackle Steiner!!!

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