30 May 2005


it's the last day of my "recovery" and dylan has not stopped chattering for over a year...i don't know if it's all four-year-olds or just him (i suspect the former), but from the minute his eyes open in the morning until they close again when his head hits the pillow he is constantly chattering...it's hilarious...sometimes annoying...but mostly it's hilarious

i love listening to him talk to his mom...i love watching him play and talk to his toys...could be a raptor carrying the blue ranger into the battle to defeat mezagod or a triceratops charging a giant lizard...it's brings back memories of star wars action figures and hot wheels crash derbys when i was a kid...

...and that's just dylan...rylie is only 14 months old...just starting to walk...and is already trying to get into everything...she also chatters...not quite as incesantly as dylan....she gets so excited when she does something new...she has the most beautiful smile...ok...that's enough of the gushing...

29 May 2005

take two...

so it's 12:55 -0600 GMT and i'm sitting here watching "gastineau girls" on cable...yea, i'm bored and there's nothing on tv...this past thrusday i had to have my vasectomy redone...and this is the reason i'm stuck in my recliner watching g-girls...at least i have a (semi) stable internet connection...

i've successfully spent the last three days with my ass planted in this damn chair...watching mindless tv...updating my del.icio.us tags and adding more..."researching" diy projects...playing splinter cell...searching for cool new mp3's...and finding a cool new accessory for my ipod....

my wife has been incredible!!! she's been doing everything around the house...cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids...it's been a nice break and she deserves the message she's getting and more

well at least after a little surfing i settled on meet the barkers ... at least it's funnier than g-girls...

the view out our living room windows is fantastic...i get to watch the squirrels fight with the blue jays over peanuts and bird seed...there are a couple of baby blue jays...both male from the looks of it...and they have definitely found their lungs...the pigeons are seeming to hold their own againsts the jays and squirrels as well...luckily for the smaller birds (warblers, wrens, chickadees, titmice, etc) we've got two feeders with cages around them...we have the coolest house and yard ever!!!

22 May 2005

paddle fever

so we bought a new kayak last weekend at rei...and it is the coolest thing EVER! last weekend we took out maiden voyage on lake austin near where we live...it was fun, but too much motorboat traffic...lots of waves...too concerned about being run over by other boaters...still it was worth it...the other side of the lake from where we put in was a cool inlet with a waterfall...

today we went to town lake and put in at auditorium shores...not a bad place to put in, but i think the put in by austin high school will be a better place to launch from...we got to see where the bats live under the congress ave bridge...we found the inlet that leads to zilker park and barton creek...it was tons of fun...much better than lake austin...no motor boat traffic at all...