23 January 2010

excuse me while i whip this out

i've been re-visting movies from my younger days and recently watched blazing saddles for the i-have-no-idea-nth-time and damn...mel brooks is a genius!

when i was a kid i loved blazing saddles for the the fart jokes, slap stick, and superficial humor that tickles the funny bone of any american teenage boy. watching it again as a "grown-up" i've caught more of the underlying message that is still pertinent today. i get it...and have a new found respect for mr brooks. but i still love the fart jokes...

05 January 2010

habit forming

...so it's 2010 and i'm trying to be more consistent in my blogging efforts...i don't really have much to say, but am posting just to try and make this a habit...

pops and i took d & ry to bella mar and towne center for some playtime today...then got some grub over at boat house grill